Alas, nothing gold can stay. Before long our intrepid heroes were confronted by the Goliath to the South, their nemesis Uncle Sam himself! Just look at Uncle Sam's demeanor - he don't play. Some bad stuff was going to go down, my friends.

However, people began gathering around and taking pictures of these national symbols together. And instead of a Battle Royale, we got smiles and poses. Uncle Sam is even helping to hold up the Canadian flag. No one who witnessed this display of peace and brotherhood left unchanged.

9 metawords:
Uncle Sam's gotta ditch the skinny jeans. His legs are wonking out.
Yeah, and while Sam was holding up the maple leaf the Canuck stole his wallet and used it to buy cheese fries for the figure skating team.
This is why having a camera with you at all times is a must. That is awesome.
Who knew Uncle Sam was so tall?!?
That Uncle Sam must have a hard time getting around with those legs. Kind of sad.
Uncle Sam wants YOU to give him free health insurance.
I just wanted to stop by and say...I saw the video...and I liked it. ;-)
Love this... thanks for the post. Pussies... 'LOL' from someone that lives down the street from where these pictures were taken.
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