Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seven Word Sunday: Half-Christmas Cookies

For Half-Christmas, the Ghost of Cookies Past!

18 metawords:

RedCurlGirl said...

mmhmm i <3 christmas cookies!

Some Guy said...

Those look really delicious to me right now.

the girl with the pink teacup said...

It it wrong if I think eating those cookies is a great idea? Oh, except for the one in the very middle... It looks like the cookie equivalent of a turd. Don't eat that one. Just dont'.

Gwen said...

Do the ones shaped like chilis have chili powder in them? I bet they do.

Merry Half-Christmas!

(Now where did I put that damn mistletoe?)

words...words...words... said...

RedCurlGirl: Ahhh, yes. Who can resist them?

Some Guy: I need to be reading your blog.

the girl: The turd cookie is my favorite! (It's chocolate chip with peanuts in it.)

Gwen: They do! Smoky chocolatey goodness. And thank you for not thinking they're carrots like everyone else!

Soda and Candy said...

I hope you aren't just eating those now!

; )

Anonymous said...

I'd nibble on your cookies.

Cora said...

Oh Good God, it is Half-Christmas, isn't it? *mini panic attack*

Btw, you've been linked!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Were they in the freezer?!

Morgan the Muse said...

oh yeah, those look amazing, not even going to lie.

words...words...words... said...

Hah, no, they weren't in the freezer. This picture is actually old, I just didn't have anything this week.

The Diva on a Diet said...

If there's a recipe for those chocolate chiles ... you know I'm going to want it. They look and sound amazing!

Prunella Jones said...

If you eat a cookie that looks like a vegetable then it's automatically healthy, right?

Anonymous said...

I used to make marzipan Christmas trees that looked like your cookies. Hmmmm marzipan. Damn you, now I need cookies.

BeckEye said...

Those look good, you dick. You know I'm dieting.

Ha word ver is "trudough," which is probably a show about a group of vampire bakers.

get in here said...

Oh. Yeah. Munchies.

Anonymous said...

Christmas in June! I likey.

What did you say? You want to overnight them to me? Oh Em Gee, I love you! Thanks!

Girl Interrupted said...

Those cookies look sooo delicious!!! I'd happily eat those the whole year round, even the ones that look like turds!

Ps: Do you have an Uhura glass? Just wondering ...