Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mind Of Mencia

So I was walking on Sunset today and I passed the Comedy Store. I noticed some kind of book on the ground in the parking lot, so being the nosy SOB that I am, I investigated. You won't believe this, but it was comedian Carlos Mencia's notebook! I figured as a public service I'd show you a sample page so you can get a glimpse at how a real comedian develops his routines. Enjoy!

13 metawords:

Cora said...

Lemme guess.... On the next page did it say something about women being cranky when they are PMSing and men never wanting to ask for directions?

Some Guy said...

Wait. Carlos Mencia can write?

Gwen said...

Hahahahaha! That Mencia is a comic genius! Where does he come up with this stuff?

Jon said...

Don't forget to remind everybody how "edgy" you are, by calling yourself a Beaner over and over. Yeah, that's right. I went there.

Red said...

I was recently debating who was worse with some friends: Mencia or Dane Cook. We decided Dane Cook is worse, but Mencia sucks really hard, too.

Soda and Candy said...

Hahaha, awesome.

I hate Carlos Mencia with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.

Also, there's not enough handwritten content on blogs these days.

words...words...words... said...

Some Guy: Well, he can make words.

Red: It's a close one, but I think Mencia is worse because for all Dane Cook's awfulness, he works his ass off, and has for years.

S&C: Luddites unite!

Anonymous said...

Isn't he only half Mexican anyway? Although I guess there isn't much humour to be derived from being Hondurian, I mean all those beaner jokes would fall short, right?

Is there something scribbled on the back of that paper reminding him of his comedic formula? Something like "stealing joke + bouncing around a lot on stage + talking about blacks and beaners = HEE-LAR-I-OUS"?

Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh, make one for Dane Cook now! wait, nevermind, he doesn't plan his shows, he just runs around swearing and flailing his arms.

Trinity said...

That was almost believable which is the sad part.

BeckEye said...

Yeah, but he just ripped that page out of someone else's notebook.

ÄsK AliCë said...

He forgot to write something down about Taco Bell!

The Diva on a Diet said...

A week later and this is still cracking me up!