Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Civic Pride

I have an ugly car.

There, I said it. It's true. I have a Honda Civic, and I love it to death. I've had it almost 5 years and it's never given me a single day's trouble. But Lord almighty, it is ugly. It's this godawful color that Honda calls "Inca Pearl" and I call "Electric Dijon". When I bought the car, I got a very nice price - the dealer said that it sat on the lot longer than usual because no one wanted that color. The upside is that the color is so bold and unique that it is very easy to find my car in a giant stadium parking lot. I usually spot it right away, and if I don't I can just follow the hoots and catcalls. "Who the hell would buy a car that looks like that?"

Now, when you have such a uniquely colored car, you tend to notice similar cars. There are very few Hondas in Electric Dijon, but I have noticed over the years that there is a car in my town of the exact same make, model and color. This car is my car's doppelganger. I have seen it driving around, I've seen it parked, and on one glorious occasion I came out of the Rite-Aid to see it parked right next to mine! I considered waiting for the owner to come out so we could tell tales and sing songs of our unique bond, but after about 30 seconds I realized that I would rather be home watching TV.

Which brings me to the point of my post. Today my car's doppelganger showed itself again! I was at Ralphs getting a prescription filled and I came out to find the elusive phantom in gold not far from my own car. Much like the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot or a banana muffin unsullied by walnuts, this required photographic proof to be believed. Behold! The Twin Ugly Hondas!

19 metawords:

Anonymous said...

I think Civics must seem like they are faster than they really are. It NEVER fails that I'm stuck behind a Civic in the left lane.

I still heart you, WWW.

Girl Interrupted said...

My! What an ... interesting shade of yellow

Does it have a name?

My first car was an ancient Ford Fiesta, I called it Muttley because that's who it sounded like every time I tried to start it up

Cora said...

I think it's stalking you. Be careful.

Soda and Candy said...

It doesn't look as horrible as your name for it led me to expect.

We have a ridiculousy common car in black. Makes it very difficult to find in the parking lot - thank god for the honky button*

*also known as the remote lock button

OG said...

I can't believe you don't want at least see the person who owns that car in order to compare them to yourself.

Red said...

The Herp flared up again, eh?

That is weird 2 people would buy the same car in the same terrible color, but the other owner is probably financially saavy just like you. You should totally meet. Then you can swap stories about clipping coupons and where to find the best deals on wine.

(and they say snark is dead.)

Peggy said...

Now wouldn't it be funny if the owner of your car's long lost twin was also taking secret pictures in parking lots and blogging about it?

you never know...

words...words...words... said...

Kimmie: Aw.

Girl: "Muttley", lol. Your Dick Dastardly mustache makes a lot more sense now.

S&C: I thought the "honky" button was going to be something else.

O.G.: But then we'll become friends and wind up going the same places and we'll keep trying to drive off in each other's cars. I'd rather avoid that.

Red: The herps is a treatable, controllable disease! BTW, that reminds me, I have to talk to you about something.

Eric said...

It's good to see you haven't caved in to the 'pimping out' of the Civics that so many in Texas do. I can tell those aren't the $4000 rims :)

Gwen said...

Prescription? Do I need to yell at your ears again?

That is one hideous color. "Inca Pearl"? Really?

words...words...words... said...

The worst part is that because I highlighted the photo, the color doesn't show up quite as hideous as it really is. It's much uglier in person...but here's a better look (I don't have a spoiler though):

Anonymous said...

Maybe the doppelganger's owner looks EXACTLY LIKE YOU!

Wait...there wasn't a giant mirror around both times you saw it, was there? :)

sista #2 said...

I think the doppelganger is stalking you. Ya never know....
It's not that ugly.

o.k. I just lied. I make fun of ugly colored cars too.

But if it gets the job done, who cares what it looks like.


Anonymous said...

I have a confession. I think yellow is the ugliest color on the wheel.

However, the benefits you mentioned are compelling. And I don't think the car is that ugly. I want a post about what song you would sing to your pug-version-of-a-car.

BeckEye said...

True story - I once went to the store and went out to get my car. I happened to have borrowed my brother's car, which was a dark blue Ford Escort. (I know...fancy.) I went over to the car and tried to open the door and the key didn't work. It took me a few minutes to realize that it wasn't his car. So, I started crossing the parking lot to get to my car, which was down one row, and I see a woman coming from my car, walking over to her car. We kind of just looked at each other and laughed, realizing that we both tried to open each other's cars at the same time.

I'm sure this story just thrilled you to pieces. Sorry.

MJenks said...

What exactly is pearly about that color?

I think something was lost in the translation.

Scope said...

It's mumbo jumbo like that, and skinny little lizards like you thinking they's the LAST DRAGON that gives Kung Fu a bad name.

~E said...


Oh and thanks ever so much for giving me another important clue in my quest to stalk you.

Anonymous said...

You really thought it necessary to add a spotlight circle so we would be able to spot the ugly car in the picture? LOL
